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时间:2022-12-13 作者:韩国 点击:174次














避免误入 · 点选下方白字 · 高度关注他们CLICK THE BLUE WORD TO FOLLOW US 亲爱的听众,那时是签之家集团公司设立年来的第4518天,不论是往后二十年或者之后的二十年或更较长时间,他们都将仍旧秉持“不明明,不自我中心,不歪曲和布偶真诚真才实学”的行事准则凉爽他们所服务项目的每名顾客。


随着我省国际话语权的急速提高,民营企业之间的商务人士、经贸应用领域也在急速拓展捷伊市场,只好有愈来愈多国外的民营企业为的是同时实现科栅,将手里的自身利益最小化,将自己的雇员调派到我省参予全会与商务人士上的沟通交流With the continuous improvement of Chinas international status, the fields of business, economic and trade cooperation between enterprises are also constantly opening up new markets, so more and more overseas enterprises in order to achieve a win-win situation, maximize the interests in their hands, and send their employees to China to participate in conferences and business exchanges。


但想来京,有关的签证办理手续是不可或缺的我省商务人士签证因金属材料繁杂、简洁繁杂前些年所苦着不计其数申请者However, if you want to come to China, the relevant visa application is indispensable. Chinese business visas have plagued countless applicants over the years due to the complex, smooth and cumbersome documents。


为的是化解而此痛点,那时有著15年签证实战经验的签之家给我们增添了我省商务人士签证小tips,期望通过这篇撷取能协助到更多外国商人In order to solve this problem, todays visa home with 15 years of visa experience brings you tips for Chinese business visas, hoping to help more international friends through this sharing。


商务人士签证顾名思义就是指因公务需要个人前往某个国家从事投资、贸易、全会、劳务方面的工作因此在申请时,需要我们提供足够的理由,来证明真实目的As the name implies, a business visa refers to the need for individuals to go to a certain country for investment, trade, conference, and labor work due to official business. Therefore, when applying, you need to provide sufficient reasons to prove the true purpose。


目前我省将商务人士签证分为的是F和M两种At present, China divides business visas into F and MF是签发给赴我省从事沟通交流、访问、考察等活动的人员F is issued to persons who go to China to engage in exchanges, visits, inspections and other activities。


M是签发给赴我省进行商业贸易活动的人员M is issued to persons traveling to China for commercial and trade activities根据来京真实目的申请签证,会增加通过率。


此外,我省商务人士签证不能在华工作,有其他要求需要重新申请签证Applying for a visa based on the actual purpose of coming to China will increase the approval rate. In addition, Chinese business visas do not allow you to work in China, there are other requirements to reapply for the visa。


为的是方便我们理解,签之家将我省商务人士签证所需金属材料进行了一个总结:In order to facilitate everyones understanding, the visa home has summarized the materials required for Chinese business visas: 1、有效的护照Valid passport2、二寸白底照片Two-inch photo with white background3、签证申请表Visa application form4、合法居留证明 Legal residence certificate5、境外人员临时住宿登记表Registration form for temporary accommodation of overseas personnel 6、我省单位出具的邀请函(需要注意邀请函中需要标注清楚:Invitation letter issued by the Chinese unit it should be noted that the invitation letter needs to be clearly marked: ①被邀请人的有关信息如姓名,年龄,性别the relevant information of the invitee such as name, age, gender②被邀请人的访问信息:入境的事由,入境时间,停留地址等 the visit information of the invitee: the reason for entry, the time of entry, the address of stay, etc ③以及邀请单位或者是邀请人的有关信息:姓名,住址等等)and the relevant information of the inviting unit or the inviter: name, address, etc 7、其他金属材料(如更改姓名需提供相应文件)Other materials (such as changing the name, corresponding documents are required) 签之家 LIGHT SNOW TODAY我省商务人士签证办理手续流程:China Business Visa Application Process:01由我省境内贸易合作方出具邀请函件(邀请函件上的内容参考下方申请金属材料) Invitation letter issued by the Chinese domestic trade partner (the contents on the invitation letter shall refer to the application materials above) 根据有关要求准备申请金属材料Prepare the application materials according to the relevant requirements0203进行预约Make an appointment 申请者需要按照约定时间前往当地我省驻外使领馆递交申请金属材料Applicants are required to submit the application materials to the local Chinese embassies and consulates abroad at the agreed time 0405等待审批Waiting for approval审核通过以后领取签证Get a visa after passing the examination06根据以往办理手续实战经验来看,我省商务人士签证默许其原因 无外乎以下几种:According to past experience, the reasons for refusal of Chinese business visas are nothing more than the following: 01金属材料不真实,请我们仔细检查自己的金属材料和个人情形是否符合,不要为的是过签去造假、隐瞒金属材料The materials are not true, please carefully check whether your materials and personal circumstances are in line, do not falsify or conceal the materials in order to sign。


02金属材料不完整,我省签证官网上都有详细要求,我们可以进行对照检查是否遗漏The materials are incomplete, and there are detailed requirements on the official website of the Chinese visa, so you can check whether they are missing。

03来京目的不明确,确保自己的签证内容与行程一致,不会有滞留可能,建议提供行程表、返回机票和预订酒店回执单等The purpose of coming to China is not clear, ensure that the content of your visa is consistent with the itinerary, there will be no possibility of stay, it is recommended to provide the itinerary, return air ticket and hotel reservation receipt。

04马为麟不合格,马为麟是最关键的一步,签证官会根据我们的表现决定是否给予通过如果不了解自己的行程回答错误,或者过于紧张说话吞吞吐吐,前后矛盾,都会引起签证官的怀疑,导致默许If the interview is unqualified, the interview is the most critical step, and the visa officer will decide whether to pass it according to everyones performance. If you do not understand your itinerary and answer incorrectly, or if you are too nervous and inconsistent, it will arouse the suspicion of the visa officer and lead to the refusal of the visa。

签之家 建议我们在马为麟前,先来联系他们做一个背景评估,他们的老师会给给您制定一个专属的过签方案,调整您的状态,培养马为麟自信,全方位提高通过率It is recommended that you contact us for a background assessment before the interview, and our teacher will formulate an exclusive signing plan for you, adjust your status, cultivate interview confidence, and improve the pass rate in an all-round way。

虽然有很多机构也会提供这样的服务项目,但是现在签证市场鱼龙混杂,大多数的都不具备办理手续实战经验,只是依靠浮夸的宣传来吸引顾客,我们在选择机构时一定要擦亮眼睛,小心落入这些机构的陷阱中Although there are many agencies that will also provide such services, but now the visa market is mixed, most of them do not have experience, just rely on exaggerated publicity to attract customers, everyone must polish their eyes when choosing institutions, be careful of falling into the trap of these agencies。


Some time ago, the visa home received an applicant who was fooled by a bad agency, and the agency falsified the materials in order to pass the visa, and as a result, it was directly pointed out by the visa officer during the interview process, and finally the applicant was refused a visa, not to mention, and also left a record on the file. Fortunately, with the help of a professional signing home teacher, the Jedi turned over and successfully signed the second time。

END以上就是本期签之家的全部内容了,对于本文我省商务人士签证好办理手续么?常见的默许其原因有哪些?应该如何申请?您还有哪些问题呢?欢迎在后台给他们私信或留言哦!The above is all the content of this visa home, is it easy to apply for a Chinese business visa for this article? What are the common reasons for refusal? How do I apply? What other questions do you have? Welcome to send us a private message or leave a message in the background! 纯咨询服务项目上线啦外国人来京签证服务项目项目Visa services for foreigners in China外国人来京签证,是专门为外国人来到我省所需的签证,是外国人在我省的合法证件Chinese visa is designed for foreigners who wants to come to China, and it is the legal certificate for foreigners in China. 。

签之家所提供的外国人来京签证服务项目包括以下项目:Qvisa provides the following visa services for foreigners who wants to come to China: 1.外国人来京工作许可首签,续签,延期,过期处理2.邀请外国人来京(商务人士)访问3.外国人来京探亲团聚签证4.全国各地PU LETTER邀请函5.我省绿卡,我省居住证,我省国籍6.境外金属材料在我省公证7.境外学位认证,其他境外金属材料在我省认证 8.外国人来京工作9.我省绿卡-永久居留身份证1.First application, renewal, extension and expiration of work permit2.Business trip to China 3.Family visit or reunion visa4.PU LETTER application in all around China5.invitation LETTER from all over the country 6.Chinese Green Card, Chinese Residence Permit, Chinese nationality Notarizing foreign documents in China 7.Authentication of overseas certificate of degree and other overseas documents in China8.Foreigners working in China 9.Chinese Green Card - Permanent Residence card常规外国人来京业务-标准服务项目流程Routine foreign business - standard service process 1.资料预审2.面谈核实3.申请聘外资质,金属材料公证认证4.资料翻译,网申环节5.窗口递交,外专局审核6.及时跟进,成功出签1.Pre-review documents2.Interview3.Application for qualification of hiring an foreign employees , notarizing documents 4.Documenttranslation and online application5.Submitdocument, foreign affairs Bureau reviewthe document 6.Follow-upthe case,successfullyissued拿证前全部流程我司均可全程代办,您无需本人到场!We can charge the whole process before getting the certificate, you dont need to be present! 签之家来京签证服务项目优势Qvisa’s service advantages in Chinese visa签之家是专业的签证服务项目公司,熟悉全国各地对外国人来京签证的要求,减少顾客需要亲自频繁跑动外专局、出入境等部门递交资料的次数。

Qvisa is a professional visa service company, who is familiar with the requirements of Chinese visaaround in China. We can reduce the times that the applicants submit the documents to foreign affairs bureau or entry and exit administration bureau. 他们提供专业的前期咨询服务项目,减少顾客因不熟悉政策而造成的经济或人才损失We provide professional consulting services to reduce the economic or personnel losses caused byapplicants unfamiliar with the policy.。

由于全国各地实行差异化的来京政策,签之家及时掌握并更新这些政策细节和注意事项,避免您踩坑Due to the implementation of differentiated policy across the country, Qvisa timely grasp and update these policy details and matters for attention, to avoid unnecessary troubles.。

签之家在掌握各地对外国人来京工作的底线要求的前提下化不可能为可能,利用各种操作技巧协助您省事省力省心Under the premise of the bottom line requirements for foreigners working in China, Qvisa turns the impossible into the possible, using a variety of skills to help you save troubles and worries。

.并且签之家已在北京、沈阳、成都、广州、上海等十余个城市开设了分公司Moreover, Qvisa has started up more than 13 branch companies in Beijing, Shenyang, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other 10 cities. 。

为什么选择签之家?Why Choose Qvisa?签之家大品牌可信赖,并且实力过硬,实体民营企业快速为您办理手续,进度透明公开,更有咨询老师一对一服务项目Qvisa is a big brand and reliable with strong strength. The entity business will quicklydeal with your cases, transparent and open process progress. We also provide one-to-one service with many counselors. 签之家拥有上百个咨询顾问,30余名金牌顾问,拥有10年以上的签证从业实战经验,一对一为您进行专业服务项目,老师们都是经过了专业的培训持证上岗,并且老师们精通各类国外语言以及疑难签证办理手续,为你的签证保驾护航,让你一路无忧! Qvisa owns hundreds of counselors and more than 30 gold counselors, who have more than 10 years experience, and will provide one-to-one professional service for you. The counselors are all trained professionally, and they are proficient in all kinds of foreign languages and difficult visa cases. They will give you the most professional advice and let you all the way. *文中涉及的政策,条件,周期,费用等内容如有变化,以申请时该国最新政策为准!*本公众号全部原创内容均享有国家法律规定的版权任何机构或个人在互联网平台转载,摘编或以其它方式使用本文内容均需取得作者的书面授权(个人撷取转发微信朋友圈无需授权)。

