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中国暂停发放签证(韩国暂停日本公民免签入境 新闻)

时间:2023-03-20 作者:韩国 点击:114次

原副标题:我国中止核发韩国和日本签证 China has stopped issuing visas to Japanese nationals, according to the announcement released by the embassy of the peoples republic of China in Japan on Jan 10th. 依照中华人民共和国政府驻日本使馆1月10日正式发布的报告书,我国已暂停向日本国民派发签证。

中国暂停发放签证(韩国暂停日本公民免签入境 新闻)

Pic: Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Japan 相片:中华人民共和国政府驻日本使馆 South Korean nationals are also banned from being issued short-term visas for visits, business, tourism, medical care, transit, and personal matters. 韩国国民也被明令禁止核发中长期出访、商务人士、旅游观光、医疗保健、进港和对个人外交事务签证。

On Jan 11, the National Immigration Administration states that China will suspend the policies of 72-hour visa-free transit and 144-hour visa-free transit for South Korean and Japanese nationals. 1月11日,北欧国家华工管理处则表示,我国将中止韩国和日本国民72半小时签证证进港和144半小时签证证出境的经济政策。

These might be the beginning of Chinas hitting back measures on other countries inbounding restrictions. 这可能将是我国对其它北欧国家的边界线管制采行反扑举措的已经开始。

Pic: Nation Immigration Administration 图:北欧国家华工管理处 The US, Japan and South Korea are among the countries that announced restrictions on travelers from China, citing concerns that the current surge of COVID-19 cases in China could lead to the emergence of new variants. 英国、日本和韩国是正式宣布对源自我国的探险者推行管制的北欧国家众所周知,理据是害怕我国现阶段的新冠肺结核疑似病例剧增可能将引致捷伊变型再次出现。

A spokesperson from Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged countries to base their COVID response measures on science and not to resort to political manipulation or discriminatory measures against China. 我国外交部发表声明呼吁欧洲各国以自然科学为依据采行新冠禽流感应付举措,千万别对我国采行在政治上操纵者或歧视举措。

Source: Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Japan, Nation Immigration Administration 数据资料作者:中华人民共和国政府驻日本使馆、北欧国家华工管理处回到敬请期待,查阅更多 干晓磊: 。
